Six months have past and James was still with Emily, for some reason he couldn't leave. On a warm summer night they sat at the pond, James listened to the crickets and the sound of the waterfall. "You're very quiet tonight, are you alright?" Emily looked at him, he may be a human but he stirred her blood, she knew the moment she saw him he would be hers. "I'm fine, just enjoying the night" he lied.
Emily stood up and took James hand. "I know what will cheer you up" she whispered huskily as her lips met his. He reacted immediately the swelling straining against his jeans, he wanted her would always want her.
She started to undo his shirt buttons caressing the skin underneath. "Well well well, isn't this nice and cosy, very romantic!"
"Hello Julian" Emily said coldly. Julian and the others hovered above them, there was something about the three of them that made James nervous. "So I take it this is him, the mortal" Emily didn't answer.
"Really Emily I thought you had better taste, a mortal and from the looks of him not a very good one" Julian sneered making the others laugh. "What do you want?" Emily growled through gritted teeth. "We heard that you had shacked up with a human didn't believe it myself, thought you knew better but you've surprised me"
"I can have anyone I want!"
"Not quite, you know relationships with these humans is frowned upon, a unwritten rule"

The trio glided to the ground, Julian walked over to Emily. "You don't mix with fodder, the only good thing about humans is their blood" James was horrified, is that what Vampires thought of them...dinner!
"If you dare touch him" Emily yelled definitely. "My dear, it is not just us you need to fear, the society are not happy, humans to us is what cows are to them, we kill them to survive just as they eat beef, it is the way it is and should be you have broken a rule and you must be punished"
"You WILL leave him alone" Emily roared her eyes changed colour her fangs dropped, ready to fight. Julian went back to the others, a purple haze enveloped them... "You have been warned. They were gone.
They were both quiet as they walked back to the house, James was shaken he knew the threat wasn't idle. "I'm sorry" Emily said quietly. "What the hell was that about?" he was surprised at how calm he sounded.
"The society is what we Vampires belong to, it was set up centuries ago to control us, before that we were a very wild lot, killing at will we were almost all destroyed"
"How am I involved?"
"One of the rules was that no Vampire was to get romantically involved with a human, it was one way to safeguard or existence, we only mixed with them when we fed even then we had to be careful, no feeding in public and make sure we were not seen, over time our numbers grew and the society grew stronger, it's like a government, Devlyn is the head, nothing happens without his say so"
"That's putting it mildly"
"So what do we do?"
"You'll do nothing, I don't want you in more danger than you already are, if I can see Devlyn maybe I can convince him to leave you alone..he owes me a favour"
"And if you can't?" James tried not think what could happen. "It'll be OK" Emily smiled seductively pushing James down on the sofa.
Reacting immediately James thrust his hips towards her pressing his groin against her. Emily kissed him her tongue explored every part of his mouth, James blood coursed through his veins desperate to enter her. Emily held him down, teasing him pushing him to his limits of his self control.
She stood up and moving away from him she removed her clothes. James grabbed her and pulled her close stroking her bare skin, his mouth plundered hers his hand stroked her breasts. Emily pulled him to the floor undoing his Jeans letting him enter her.
My name is James Hatfield, I am thirty three years old and a reporter for the Bentford Gazette. The story I am about to tell you is true... I am trapped with neither the will nor the strength to get out of this situation....perhaps their is a spell on me a hold I am not aware of. If you don't believe what I am about to tell you then ignorance will be you're undoing, if you believe then take heed, look at the people you know and beware the people you don't. I am besotted with a Vampire... James sat back and looked at the screen, if something was to happen to him then perhaps if they read this they would understand...or think him mad. Setting a password he switched the computer off.
A few nights later they sat in the drawing room when Julian appeared, alone. "What do you want now?" Emily demanded."It's nice to see you too!"
"How did you get in?" James was puzzled, all the doors and windows were locked he'd checked them himself. "I have been to this house many times and once a Vampire is invited in we can gain access to that house at any time by any means" Turning to Emily, "Look I've come here without the others knowledge, I want to give you one more chance to get rid of this mortal"
"And if I don't?"
"The judgment has been made Emily, you have been found guilty and the punishment is death...for both of you.
"Does that make you see sense? kill him, come back to us and Devlyn with let you li...." Julian stopped and sniffed the air he looked round the room puzzled, "There is someone else here!"
"There is just us, what are you talking about?" Emily looked at James. "I can sense it, smell it...a human but at the same time not!" Julian looked round again. "You're imagining things"
"Perhaps" Julian wasn't convinced, something or someone was here...he knew it.
"You are wanted Emily, the society will hunt you down, every Vampire out there knows and will stop at nothing to get you" he looked at James hatred etched on his face. "What good is a human, they are not like us!"
"Maybe not but I...."
"You love him" Julian scoffed, "Ridiculous with all our kind out there you could have had you're pick, there is a lot of us that would happily take their place by you're side"
James got it now, Julian was jealous he wanted her and he had lost to a human. "I won't give him up" Emily was defiant. "So be it, I will not come here again" Julian turned to the door, "The next time we meet I will destroy you"
James wanted to talk to her but she refused, walking out the front door she disappeared into the darkness.
It was several hours later that he found Emily sitting on the grass looking at the headstones. "Maybe it's time to call it a day" she whispered, "After all these centuries I'm tired"
"You would leave me?"
"The thought of lying down and sleeping for eternity appeals to me, I would be with my daughter again"
James pulled her to her feet. "Don't ever leave me!" he implored.
"One day you will leave me James, old age is like a clock always ticking and the day will come when the alarm will go off and you will be gone"
Later they lay in the dark, curled up in each others arms. Emily listened to the steady rhythm of his heart, the thought of absolute death was what she had always dreamed of but she had a mission to complete and if she was right it had worked. James feared he would loose her but he wanted a normal life, a wife two point four kids, a house with a white picket fence, none of these were possible with her but he would become an empty shell without her.
Another month passed and all was quiet, Julian and the others had not been seen but it didn't make the threat any less serious. Emily had been staying close to home when feeding, as soon as she had her fill she would return. James gave up his job at the gazette, work colleagues kept asking him questions he could not answer, how do you tell someone it is a real werewolf ripping these people apart, he dreaded the full moons and word of another death at least Emily hid her victims well.
That afternoon he scanned the bookcase looking for something to read, he pulled at one, it slide half way then stopped pulling harder he heard a click, the bookcase started to move. Peering into the darkness he could just make out what looked like a room.
Pushing the bookcase open wider he stepped inside. Torches light up the room it was damp and smelled musty, in the middle was a stair that seemed to go up for ever. Going further inside the bookcase slide closed, he followed the stairs up.
It was quite a climb but soon he stood in another room. The walls were decorated in blood red flock wallpaper with dark paneling below on one wall hung a shear material also in red and in front lay a coffin. This was Emily's chamber, he turned to leave he shouldn't be here. One peek, just one, it wouldn't hurt!. Emily would never know.
Slowly he crept towards the coffin, the flames on the candles danced as he moved passed them. Placing a hand on the wood he rubbed the brass plate screwed on to the top.. Emily Le Mort Born 1802 died 1827 Rest in peace. For a moment he hesitated then bending down he grabbed the lid and quietly pushed it back.
She looked peaceful, beautiful and.....dead. James reached inside... Emily's eyes flew open.
With a roar she sat up and glared at him, he very nearly wet himself. "GET OUT!" This was a Vampire, the sexy woman he knew was gone in her place a monster, pure evil that terrified him to his core. Finding his legs he ran down the stairs almost falling and stumbled through the bookcase.
She heard the bookcase open and close. She had frightened James she needed to, he was not to know where she lay. He had seen her true self that was inevitable, poor James he was trapped, the hold she had on him was strong, it had to be if her plan was to work. She had read the scrolls, the possibility of it, but it had to be a special kind of mortal one she had searched for for years...and she wasn't going to let him go now. She felt the beating of a heart, it was not her own but it was with her. Her plan was working......
When Emily rose that evening he was surprised to find she didn't mention his intrusion. "Are you OK?" he was even more jumpy than normal. "Yes, yes I'm fine"
"I know why Julian thought there was someone else here that night"
"You do?" Standing beside him she whispered in his ear... "I'm having a baby, your baby!" James blood ran cold.
"OH! isn't it wonderful James" wrapping her arms round him. " can't, you're...."
"Dead, yes but it's true I can feel it, sense it growing, it's heart beating"
"But how?"
"I don't know" Emily lied, Vampires can't bare children but I am, were going to be a proper family, I will never leave you or the child"
Guiding him to the sofa she sat on his lap. "James, as much as I love the idea of being a mother again their is a problem"
"A problem" Christ what was it the child would be a monster like it's mother!
"Vampires having children is unheard of if word was to get out it would be bad for the child, I will not be able to go out to feed if I was to meet another Vampire, Julian has sensed it....." she trailed off. "We will keep this quiet" James agreed, he didn't want them to find out he was the father to it. "That's the problem, I need to feed"
"Let me feed off you, it won't be dangerous, I have done it before I will take enough for me to survive, you might feel a bit weak but that will be all"
"I don't know, will it hurt?"
"No it never hurts, I can take some now just a bit so you will know how it feels" James looked into her eyes, he wanted to say no....tilting his head to one side he revealed the throbbing of his artery.
Emily leaned over her fangs extended slowly piercing his skin. James gasped, there was no pain just intense pleasure, he could feel his blood surging through his veins. Wrapping his arms tight round her he marveled at the feeling it gave. Emily felt his arousal and sank her fangs in deeper, her hand tilted his head back further allowing her to plunge them in fully. This was as good as sex maybe better, the sensation was wonderful...he felt intoxicated.
Emily shifted her lips placing little kisses over his throat moving up till they reached his mouth, her tongue flicked over his teeth. Pushing his own tongue into her mouth he was surprised to find her fangs still their, his tongue explored them feeling the sharpness, tasting his own blood.
James sank into the warm water, he felt terrible, drained. What the fuck had he done, he felt sick, last night he had wanted to say no but when he looked into her eyes he was compelled to let her feed of him. She could control him, was controlling him the horror movies he had seen popped into his head, Count Dracula hypnotizing his helpless victims...she was doing the same to him. He felt dirty, used, scrubbing every inch of his body.
Sitting on the chair in the hall he looked at the gloominess around him, it matched his own feelings. How could she be pregnant, it's not possible and the child, would it be like him or like her a monster an evil that should be destroyed. He was trapped, her hold on him complete, whatever it was it would be partly him....he would look after it and maybe love it.
Wow. Fantastic Iron Mum, you really give the feeling of utter despair James is feeling. he is trapped, and oh boy, is he ever trapped now!
ReplyDeleteIs Emily really pregnant, or is this another ploy of hers to keep James in submission?
Great update, it was riveting!
And love the society of vampires showing up making their threats, nicely done!
Hi Anonymous, that was the sad thing about James he did love her but not her if you get my meaning.
ReplyDeleteHe loved the woman not the Vampire.