Running through the trees she sought him out, reveling in the chase. Every so often she would stop and listen, sniff the air, a twig would snap or the breeze blew the sent in her direction and she would be off again. It was useless, she would win, but she loved the chase the hunt, it was exhilarating. She found him cowering in the bushes; the smell of his fear only wetting her appetite more. "Please, don't hurt me!" The man stared into her eyes and went quiet; as she drew closer he tilted his head. Bending down she stared at the throbbing of his artery for a second before sinking her fangs in to him. The life slowly ebbed away. She was finished; standing up Katie watched as the lifeless man slumped to the ground.
Valan watched, saw through Katie's eyes as she hunted in her dream. He understood what she was feeling; he had felt the same once. He remembered the excitement of the hunt how he watched his pray, they unaware of their impending doom. But he grew tired, the killing of the innocent just to survive, he looked at their faces, how many dreams had he extinguished, guilt crept in, would torment him. Animals were his sustenance, their blood kept him alive, deer was the best as they were big enough to give him all the blood he needed. He could sense the revulsion and confusion in her mind, the realization of taking a life, of killing.
Valan had not seen her since the night he had told her of her heritage, he deliberately gave her space. Returning from his feeding he stood at the top of the castle looking at the land before him. The chimney sent plumes of smoke into the air, he inhaled deeply recognizing the odor of pine and oak, a lot had changed since his youth, the land before him vanished. Gone were the houses below the electricity pylons and roads, instead were a dozen Black houses all identical, built of stone with straw roofs smoke billowed from their chimneys. The smell of animals and waste, the mud paths and the clanking of metal as the blacksmith worked....for a moment he was home. Blinking the image was gone.
Katie woke and stared at the strip of light as the sun peeped threw the curtains. Her dream had scared her; the thought of killing another human filled her with disgust. Could she really kill for blood? The night he explained to her what she was a shock, the revelation of being part Vampire was a surprise but more so the reaction she had to Valan's touch. Her body tingled as she remembered his arms round her, those taut muscles.
Mary handed her a cup of tea, "Valan wants to speak to you this evening" Katie's heart jumped, "Did he say why?"
"No dear but he was most insistent"
"Do you know about Valan.....?" Katie stopped unsure she should say any more. "Being a Vampire, of course dear, I have known for years"
"And you were not frightened?"
"The night I found out was quite a shock I can tell you but I had worked for him for a few years by then, I knew Valan" Mary took a sip of tea, "Whatever he was or is he's a good man, been like a son to me"
That evening Katie knocked on the living room door. "Come in Katheryn" Valan replied his voice sending shivers down her spine. Taking her arm he lead her to the sofa, "I understand that you're still not eating!"
"I try but the thought makes me feel sick"
"Then I must take you out with me, show you how to hunt"
"Hunt!" Katie squealed. "I will teach you how to hunt animals"
"And what if I can't?"
"You either eat with Mary or eat with me but you must eat" his tone firm.
The last of the snow melted the air warmer, spring had arrived. Checking the windows Valan turned to head downstairs. In the daylight she was safe he could rest knowing there was no chance of trouble but at night, at night he kept his senses sharp his wits about him for if they were to attempt anything this would be the time. He was at the staircase when he heard it, the low whimpering like an animal in pain. Going to Katie's door he knocked gently, "Katheryn! are you alright? Katheryn!" With no reply he opened the door.

Katie stood in the middle of her room, she had been pacing the floor for hours. The awakening was overwhelming, the hunger almost causing pain, she knew now it was blood her body craved, at that moment she would have killed anything to quench her thirst but there was something else, something she had never felt before. "Katheryn!" Valan whispered. He had no choice but to take her on his hunt then hopefully her body would be satisfied......for a while.

"Come now" Valan's voice low and soft as he put his arms round her. Katie wasn't listening; her body ached her mind screamed. He stayed with her held her and waited for it to pass, all Vampires felt this way if they didn't feed but with her it was new territory, for both of them. After a while Katie quietened the hunger easing, relief was short lived as the other sensation intensified. This one was new to Katie, it was just as controlling but at the same time pleasurable giving a promise of something wonderful.

"It is passing, yes?" Katie looked at him through youngling eyes, he had felt the other emotion smoldering under the hunger waiting for it's turn. He had ignored it concentrating on her hunger but now it was in control. Katie stepped back and grabbed the straps of her nightie lifting them off her shoulder she let the flimsy garment fall to the floor. "I think you should sleep" he told her keeping his eyes fixed firmly on her face. Katie moved forward placing a hand on his shoulder, her Vampire eyes burned with desire. "I think it would be better....." Valan was unable to finish as Katie's lips pressed down on his. Her other hand moved slowly down his back round his thigh and rested on his crotch giving it a gentle squeeze.

Valan stepped back and coughed nervously, bending down he picked up her nightdress. As he straightened he found she was so close he could hear her heart beating. "You have to rest" he insisted his voice suddenly hoarse. Wrapping her arms round him she kissed him again this time with more urgency. It wasn't the Katheryn he knew, the awakening was in control, he should turn, leave the room...... His arms went round her bare flesh pulling her closer.

His eyes burned red his fangs dropped, "Katheryn" he murmured his voice raw with passion. His blood roared, his control gone. Valan kissed her passionately moving slowly down her throat his fangs gently scrapping her bare flesh. Katie moaned her hands tightening their hold fuelling his lust. His lips moved over her, exploring her body, pausing at her breasts he gave them a gentle nip.
Valan lifted her effortlessly and placed her on the bed. His eyes now a deep crimson he hissed with excitement. Katie's hand reached up and grabbed his hair pulling him closer. A low growl escaped him, God how he wanted her. A voice whispered in his head but Valan was ardent, ignoring the warning he leaned over her.... He was after all Vampire, blood and sex for him, his kind it was intertwined without either they were nothing.
Valan entered her slowly, he roared as he felt her round him the feeling exquisite. Katie groaned and squirmed as she pulled him closer placing small kisses around his mouth, her tongue pushed between his teeth running over his fangs. He nipped her neck licking the blood from the wound causing Katie to cry out in delight. It was close to daylight when they collapsed in each others arms, Valan watched as she closed her eyes. Grabbing his clothes he quietly left the room and made for the stairs to his coffin.
Valan was furious, with himself. What the hell had he done, he should have been helping her instead he had taken her, let his lust take over, his behaviour was deplorable, he hadn't acted like that in two hundred years. His past swam in front of him, the parties, the ladies in their finery all too eager to be with him delighted to be picked to join him in his quarters, it always ended the same, the lady having drunk to much wine she would inevitably end up in his bed, the night ending with her death. Maybe Katheryn wouldn't remember he hoped not but could he face her, look into her eyes knowing what he had done. The sun peeped over the hills in the distance a cockerel crowed, closing his eyes he waited.
Katie woke late and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Sitting up she realized she was nude, where was her nightdress? She tried to remember last night but after going to her room her mind was blank. As much as she tried she couldn't remember, she had a feeling it was to do with the awakening. This was the worst part, her actions under it's influence the lack of knowledge after, she guessed it was like drinking to much then waking the next morning with a raging hangover and a lapse of memory.
Over breakfast it was decided that she and Mary would take a walk. Putting on her coat Katie stepped outside and immediately shot back in. "Are you alright dear?" Mary asked. "Yes, it's just that the sun hurts my eyes" Reaching into the desk drawer Mary pulled out a pair of sunglasses, "Try these they might help" The pair stepped outside, "Is that any better?"
"Much better thank you" The old woman smiled, this was not a good sign. They sat in the tower and talked, Mary told her of her husband, his death on the beaches of Normandy and how she found herself working for Valan.
At supper Mary got hold of Valan. "How is Katie getting on with hunting?"
"Good, in fact I'm surprised and a little worried as to how well she has taken to it" Mary frowned. "What is it, whats wrong?" Valan demanded. Turning she gave the pan a stir avoiding his gaze, "Katie and I went for a walk this afternoon...."
"The poor child had to wear dark glasses, the sun caused her discomfort" Valan stared out the window, "The more she feeds the more she wants, she is drinking nearly as much as me"
"This is not good is it, what can we do?" Mary sobbed. Valan sighed, "I don't know...." was it possible she was turning into a full Vampire or was she to be like this for the rest of her life, to look human and live like him? What was worse?
A few days later Katie woke late, Mary was out visiting a friend so she decided to have a long soak in the bath. Turning on the tape she let her nightdress slip to the floor. Suddenly she was in her room, Valan was with her kissing her....MY GOD!...she was naked. As quick as it hit the vision was gone, shaking her head she stepped into the warm water and closed her eyes, can you dream when you're awake? Back in her room she dried her hair and got dressed, she had just finished buttoning her cardigan when the vision hit again. This time it was vivid, the whole scene flew before her, it was no dream. What had she done, she had acted like a slut!
Wandering round the castle she tried to work out what had made her act like that, she had no experience with men so to seduce one was totally out character. In the living room she sat at the piano and tapped the keys, should she say something to Valan, try to explain, explain what that she acted like a tramp. She had to admit that just thinking about it made her ache for more. The next time she saw Valan she was sure her face would go bright red .
A few weeks later saw Valan keep his word, the workmen arrived and quickly installed the new generator and radiators. This seem to spurn him on giving instructions to Mary to oversee the the renovations on the rest of the castle. With help from Katie they turned the bare cold hall into a warm and welcoming entrance. Katie loved the work and spent most of her time looking for ideas or choosing colour schemes. With one job out of the way they planed to tackle the living room next.
Walking into the living room Valan sat and looked at Katie. For the last two months he had taken her out on his hunts, when he offered her the deer on the first night she had been hesitant. Dipping her fingers in the animal's blood she had sniffed it, instantly her eyes changed colour, she licked the blood from her fingers. He watched stunned as she dropped to her knees and putting her lips to the gaping wound drank eagerly, she managed to drink a good deal, so much so that he had to send her home to go hunt for himself. "You're very quiet Katheryn, anything wrong" Katie jumped she hadn't noticed him, "No, just thinking"
"What about?"
"Nothing really" Valan chuckled, "My dear Katheryn, you cannot think of nothing"
"Show me where you sleep"
Valan leaned back his arms against the back of his head. "Now why would you want to see that?"
"I...I don't know, just curious, will you?" Valan stared at her, she was hiding something he could feel it but whatever it was she was hiding it well. "I do not want to frighten you" Katie tried to control her feelings, she had a sudden urge to touch him to put her lips on his to....., Katie swallowed hard, Christ what was wrong with her she was in enough trouble as it was. "You won't scare me" Valan stood up slowly, "Very well, come with me"
She followed him as he went upstairs. On the other side of the snug was a door, Valan stopped. "Do you really want to do this?"
"Yes" Valan nodded and opened the door, "After you" he ushered her through. Katie found a staircase that curled it's way round the tower, climbing up she felt the walls, they were cold, damp had got through in places and she could hear the sound of water. "There's an underground spring below the castle, that's what feeds the moat" Valan explained. Reaching the top Katie stepped into the room. Valan watched as she looked round the room, "Well what do you think?"
"It's so sad, empty, it's like a prison" Her eyes rested on the coffin, "May I try it?"
"If you wish"
Katie walked over and stared at the coffin, it was very old but in remarkable condition. Climbing into it she sat down, her fingers ran along the material she guessed it was silk, looking down she saw the outline of Valan's body, a shiver ran down her spine. "I think you should come out now" Valan told her mistaking her reaction as fear. "Why can't you sleep in a bed?"
"I can sleep in my coffin or the ground, I am Vampire these things keep me safe, protects me from the daylight a bed can not do that" As she got out she noticed a door on the other side, "Where does that go?" Valan smiled,"Open it"
Opening the door Katie was met by warm air and stars. Walking round she was thrilled by the view. Stopping she smiled, "This is my favourite" Valan walked up behind her and followed her gaze, "There's nothing but hills and forest" Taking a deep breath she clasped her hands behind her back, "Exactly, there's no town or roads, it's clean untouched" Katie closed her eyes, "You can pretend there is nothing else in the world, no problems no awakening, just us" Katie didn't notice the slip she made.
Valan moved closer, he had to touch her. Katie stood quietly hardly breathing, she didn't move when his arms slid round her, she let the sensation flood her body, an ache, a yearning so sweet she almost cried out. The faint scent of perfume and shampoo assaulted his senses, his eyes fell on the nape of her neck he liked her hair tied up but he wanted to loosen it watch it fall onto her shoulders, he wanted to run his fingers through it. He had noticed the change in her it had been slow but with every feeding she had got stronger, no longer in automatic as the awakening had control of her, her pale skin had a rosy tint, she had gained weight her breasts fuller. Valan stepped back, "We should go inside Mary will be wondering where we are"
Sitting in the living room Katie stared at the unlit fire, it had been several nights since she and Valan had been to the tower. Valan had taken her hunting then disappeared, apart from their hunts she hardly saw him, it was if he was avoiding her, what had she done wrong? Her mind wandered to her problem, her eyes fixed on a knot in the fire surround as she tried to blot the thought out. "Are you alright dear, you've been rather quiet the last few days?"
"Yes I'm fine" Mary had noticed Valan's behaviour also, "As much as I love that boy he can be moody, he keeps things to himself, not healthy if you ask me but then....." her voice trailed off, Katie hadn't heard a word.
"Look, why don't I get hold of old grumpy and we'll have a nice game of cards" Mary was shocked to see a mixture of fear and worry spread across the girls face, "Whatever is the matter?"
"Nothing, I'm just a little tired"
"Are you sure, have you and Valan had an argument?" Katie laughed, "No, I haven't seen much of him lately but when I do he's always polite" Polite! Mary knew something was going on, Valan always went into polite mode when something was bothering him, but to upset Katie.....
"Please he hasn't upset me, I'm just tired, I think I'll have a little fresh air then go to bed" Katie smiled weakly at Mary. "Very well dear but don't be too long" Mary was taken aback by the girls answer; she hadn't said her thoughts out loud.
Katie watched as the flowers swayed in the breeze, she had come across this corner as a kid and would hide here when she wanted to be alone. It was the only part of the castle grounds that had flowers, wild ones but just as pretty. Katie sat lost in her thoughts. Having been given a tongue lashing from Mary Valan had been sent to find her, he knew where she would be, where she always went. Rounding the corner he went to call her but stopped, he looked at her sitting on the ground her arms hugging her leg, the hunched shoulders. He was hit by wretchedness, complete misery, quietly he walked away his heart broken at the sight of her, of not knowing what to do, he had no idea the awakening was affecting her so much and cursed himself for showing her where he slept. Katie's mind tried to come up with excuses but it was no use, having always been erratic she had not paid any attention, now she had to face the truth, was it possible, could Vampires......? Well this one could as she placed a protective hand on her stomach.She was pregnant.
Iron Mum,
ReplyDeleteI love how you started this, the dream, those glorious descriptions of sight and sound! Well done!
You really describe the hunger a vampire or half-vampire would feel, great stuff.
Valan tried to be noble, LOL! But desire won out, well played emotional love scene, mate!
Poor Katie is really having a rough time, what a struggle.
Absolutely gorgeous final shot, just stunning, love the emotion showing on both their faces!
And what a cliffhanger, pregnant? Oh my!
Wonderful update! Loved it!