Saturday 7 November 2009

Part 6.


Having checked on the still sleeping Katie Mary now sat in the living room. Burying her head in her hands. Katie was possessed the Awakening controlling her every thought her every movement. The Vampire blood was slowly destroying her, was it to late for Valan to save her. Valan! one of the rare Vampires, he had compassion a soul, she remembered the day she found out. She had been working for him for nearly four years when one evening she had worked late, walking into the hall just as he materialized. She was terrified but he had calmed her fears, explained what he was, how it happened. She had stayed with him even moved into the castle, he was the Son she never had. Mary sighed, that was so long ago. Katie!, her heart went out to her. "God! please help her"

Katie woke, it was dark outside, she reached for the clock, God! how long had she been asleep?
Running a bath she sank into the warm water and tried to remember last night. She was asleep then on the floor Valan on top holding her down......anger a rage so deep so powerful.....then......what?.......laying on the bed in Valan's arms. What happened? why was he with her? Falling asleep with him beside her, holding felt good, as if she belonged. But it was a dream, a hallucination.

She had just finished getting dressed when there was a knock on the door. "Come in"
"How are you feeling?" Valan stood in the doorway. "Better" The hunger had gone for now but he knew it would return. "We need to talk"
"I'm sure whatever it is can wait, surely it's not that important" Katie didn't want to know, didn't want to hear it, Sorry but you've taken after your dad...nuts"I have to go out but when I get back we will talk"
"I'm planning an early night, I still feel tired..."

Valan pinned her against the wall. "We will talk! you need to know....something" Katie's heart pounded, she went weak at the knees, he was so close! Valan wanted to touch her, run his hands over her delectable body, he inhaled deeply, the smell of the soap the talcum powder and under it all the scent of woman. Katie looked at the floor, why didn't he say something, she felt a need to touch him, she wanted him to kiss her. Valan stepped back, no longer trusting himself, if she had lifted her head, met his gaze he would have kissed her, shown her how he felt. "We will talk" the door closed behind him. Katie sank to her knees, what the hell just happened.

A bat hovered at the window. It watched the scene in front of it. As it flew off it looked as if it was smiling. The others would be pleased, they had been searching for years, had found her alone and vulnerable at the collage, the perfect place till she suddenly left, went home. She didn't know the harm she had done, giving her address left her open. The other...Valan would be a problem but nothing they couldn't handle.

Mary was having chocolate when Katie came in. "My dear, your looking better, how do you feel?"
"Fine, a bit tired"
"Sit down I'll make some more chocolate"
"You've given us quite a scare the last few weeks, Valan has been beside himself" Katie smiled, Valan worried...about her? of course she was his ward. "Is he still out?" Mary handed her a mug and joined her at the table "Yes I'm afraid so, work commitments, so what would you like to eat?"
"Oh no I'm fine, really, I'm not hungery" the thought of food still turned her stomach. "Are you sure, something light perhaps?"
"No but thank you, I think I might have a walk get some fresh air then go to bed"
"Well stay in the castle grounds, we have snow forecast for tonight, I don't want you getting lost"

Katie walked down the path till she came to a cross way, which way to go, down the hill to the main road or turn right. Turning right she carried on till she came to a bridge, stopping she looked down into the water below, it was cold the water had started to freeze, a blanket of white crystals covered the ground. It was their in the back of her mind, waiting for the right moment then...what will happen to her, pills for the rest of her life, a new home in a locked room or...BANG! a hole in her head. "You shouldn't be out here, you'll catch cold" Valan stood behind her. "I'm fine, I don't feel cold" strangely enough it was true. "Never the less, you're not a hundred percent yet" A hundred percent! would she ever feel even ten, Katie shivered.

Valan put his arms round her. "That better?" his mouth inches from her cheek. "Yes" her voice hoarse, leaning against him she closed her eyes, it felt good, so very good. Valan buried his face in her hair, the scent of apple blossom tore through him, the feeling of her in his arms, she was too thin if he squeezed hard enough she would brake, when had she last eaten? He felt the rhythm of her heart, her breasts rose and fell with each breath, his senses were going crazy, becoming aroused he shifted in the hopes she didn't notice. Katie could feel his body, his strength, she could smell his maleness and something else, she always smelt it on him but didn't know what it was. For an instant she felt his hardness, she wished he would take her to his room, desperate to feel his touch. "I think we better go in doors before Mary starts looking for us" Valan laughed nervously backing off. Katie could only nod, disappointed the moment was gone.

"The weather forecast is not good for the next few days" Mary told them. "We have plenty of provisions so if the worst comes to the worst we'll be OK" Valan nodded, "If we don't get to a filling station within a couple of days the generator will die and we'll be left with now power, It'll be back to the old range I'm afraid but theirs plenty of wood for that and the fires"
"You never did get round to upgrading the electrics in this place" Mary smiled. "I'll get it done in the spring, get a bigger gen installed as well " Mary laughed, "You've been saying that for as long as I can remember" turning to Katie, "Valan is not the best when it comes to the running of the castle" "I always wondered why some parts were done and not others" Katie looked at Valan. "I know, I know, next spring I'll get the place finished" Saying goodnight Katie left the two of them discussing what was to be done.

"Now that she's gone we can talk" Mary pointed to the seat beside her. "Whats on your mind?"
"You love the child!" Valan sighed, taking the seat beside her. "Am I that obvious?"
"Not to Katie but me? yes I can see it, it's written all over your face even if you do try to hide it"
"You've been with me to long, I can't hide anything from you"
"I know what it's like, I was in love to once remember" Mary smiled sadly. Valan nodded. "Are you going to tell her?"
"No, I don't know, not yet anyway"
"She's ill, she's half Vampire and doesn't know it and she doesn't know I'm one, I think those are good enough reasons"
"You have a point, but I think she feels something for you"
"I doubt it, and besides when she finds out the truth she'll run a mile and more"
"I don't think so" Mary smiled patting his knee. "I am old not blind, she feels something for you too" Mary rose and went to the door. "Don't leave it to late, goodnight dear"

It wasn't tiredness but a feeling of lethargy, as if all her energy had been sucked from her. It took what little energy she had to go downstairs in the first place. Hopefully after a good sleep she would feel better. Katie reached for her nightie, a single white rose sat on her bed, where did it come from, she picked it up and smelt it's delicate perfume, Valan? how did he get it? She smiled, it was beautiful.

Changing she stood at the window, a few flakes of snow fell, a warning of what was to come. As if her madness wasn't enough she had to deal with her emotions regarding Valan. Whenever he was close she went weak at the knees, she wanted to touch him, kiss him to see the man under the clothes, their was still that feeling of union as if they were the same, she felt it as a teen, she felt it now but stronger. Their was another feeling a feeling of desire, of want, closing her eyes she imagined what it would be like to lay beside him, touch his bare make love. A heat coursed through her body a hunger that was pleasant but also torment, a hunger that was unlike the other she felt....a hunger for Valan. Pulling back the covers she slide into bed falling asleep instantly.

Valan sat, he had a lot of thinking to do. Could Mary be right? did Katheryn feel something for him? Hearing a noise he walked into the hall, it was probably Mary, "You forget something....." Katie stood before him, snarling. "Katheryn, it's OK" The snarling stopped. Valan stepped closer, prepared in case she went for him again. "Katheryn!" Katie shook her head trying to clear her mind, Valan moved towards her, she hissed. "Katheryn, you'll catch cold" he whispered. Katie glared at him. His voice low, he spoke of anything and everything. She hissed again but Valan paid no attention, he kept talking his voice soft, soothing. Katie listened.

The urge passed, Katie burst into tears. "I'm mad, aren't I? just like dad"
"You're not mad" Valan insisted, putting his arms round her. "I wanted to kill you" Katie was near breaking point, it was hopeless, when it took hold, controlled her she could do nothing, it was if she was under a trance and when it didn't have her she felt hollow, empty, either way she was lost. Valan wished he could take it away, the hunger, the anger, take it all away.

Pulling her close Valan silently cursed Emily again for what she was putting Katheryn through. He waited for the sobs to turn to whimpers just as he had done all those years ago before she had run away. "I'm sorry I seemed to have made your sweater damp, I have a habit of doing this to you" Katie didn't move she loved being in his arms, loved being close to him. Valan held her tight, closing his eyes he tried to burn this moment into his mind, he didn't want to let go, he opened his eyes and looked at the wall his expression grim. "I think It's time you knew"

He guided her into the living room, offering her a seat. Valan paced back on forth, were did he start and how?
"How much do you remember of your mother?"
"Not much, I can see her face sometimes at least I think it's her, I know dad loved her very much" Valan doubted that, more like Emily controlled the poor fool but he would let her believe in her parents love. "Your mother was a .... a Vampire" their he had said it, he watched for a reaction. Katie looked at Valan, it was a joke, a poor one but a joke none the less. "You don't believe me, hear me out" He explained about how her parents met, how she was born against all odds and how Emily had got caught in the daylight. He deliberately left out the societies involvement and the ban between Vampire and human relationships. They didn't know of her existence so why tell her.

Valan sat next to her. "Katheryn, I'm a Vampire" She looked at him waiting for his laughter, to say Got you!.
"Do you really expect me to believe all this?"
"I tell you the truth" his voice sombre. Katie stifled a giggle, ridiculous! "I will show you, then you will believe" Katie nodded, well this should be interesting.

Valan escorted her into the hall. "I'm sorry but you can't really expect me to believe this?" Katie turned. She looked in amazement as a bat flew round the hall, climbing higher then diving, doing loops and turns. Where did it come from?, how did it get in? Katie looked round, Valan was nowhere in sight, was he playing a trick? the bat a toy. The creature flew closer to her, it was real. "Valan!"

The bat stopped in front of her, a cloud of smoke appeared. Katie could see nothing as the smoke swirled and shifted, thickening. Something was forming in the center, at first she couldn't make out what but as the form grew more solid, took shape she realised it was Valan.

He stood before her, at any other time her face would would have been funny, but not now. Katie stared her mouth open in shock, he was telling the truth, he was a Vampire and that meant he was telling the truth about her. Katie didn't know what to say, how to God! he had the most beautiful eyes, they were like the ocean, calm and soothing but capable of fierce anger, a storm. She wanted him to kiss her, take her here and now, this man, creature, whatever he was it didn't matter she loved him. Her legs buckled.

Valan grabbed her before she hit the floor. He sat holding her, waiting for her to recover from the shock, he was surprised how well she had taken it, after all it wasn't every day you find out your a Vampire. Finding out her heritage was a shock but not as big as the realisation of finding herself in love with him, but it was futile her love would never be returned. "Are you alright?"  Valan asked. "Am I like you?"
"Not quite, your what is called a halfbreed, it's been a myth in your world but never actually happened". Great! she thought, I'm a freak.
"Whats it like?" Constant darkness, never seeing the sun, moving in the shadows, a secret never shared for fear of destruction, loneliness, empty, never to love or be loved, till you came along, Katie, my love, you gave me a reason to live such as it is, he thought. "It's different but you get used to it"

"Do you sleep in a coffin?"
"And drink blood"
"Yes, but I haven't taken a human life in centuries, never really had the stomach for it" Katie was glad about that but what about her? "When I, take one of my it blood I want?"
"Yes, it's called the awakening, when a mortal become immortal"
"Have I drank human blood?" remembering what happened in collage. "No, never" he lied, the truth was he didn't know.
"What about crosses?" Valan laughed, "No they don't harm us, a fairytale"
"So if their has never been a halfbreed before how do you know what will happen to me?"
"I don't"
"Will I die?" she felt him stiffen, "You don't have to answer that" she didn't need to hear the words. "There is a lot of things I can show you, teach you, if you'll let me?"
"I'd like that" if she was not going to survive then she wanted to spend as much time with Valan as she could.

He had told her all he could without frightening her. Now she was sound asleep in her room. Valan stood at the fire watching the flames dance, listening to the logs crack, he felt the warmth but it had no effect on him, hadn't done since his own awakening. He thought of those long lonely years, he had had woman, girlfriends, they satisfied his need but not his heart, if it still existed. With Katheryn it was different, he didn't feel lonely or empty, he had a reason, someone to carry on live for.

But what if he lost her, the awakening killed her, then he would have nothing again, could he go on knowing what it felt like to love, to desire, to cherish, for a short while to have it all then.... He loved Katheryn with a passion so deep it surprised him, NO!, he would not let it destroy her or anything else to harm her. If she remained human then they would have but a short time together, he didn't know how long a halfbreed could live for but when the time came, when she left this world, he would follow.


  1. wonderful shots, and how horrible for Katie to feel so lost, good thing she had Valan, who is turning into a wonderful character!

    really enjoying this Iron Mum!!


  2. Iron Mum,

    Took a little break on my visit away with family to have a look at your chapter and I loved it. Your shots were amazing, the story and characters are really coming together!
    Starting another story, good for you! I like having a couple on the go!!
    Valan is to die for, just turning into a real hero here, well done mate!!

    Talk to you when I get home after December 6th!!

  3. Hi Drew,
    Glad you liked it.
    The pose boxes are tricky but starting to get the hang of it.
    My new story will be up soon.
