Friday 28 May 2010

Part 8.


Katie stared at the ceiling. A trip to town had enabled her to buy a pregnancy test, once home she had dashed to the bathroom and followed the instructions. It was positive. Her hand rested protectively on her stomach, working out the dates she was not quite three months. She didn't know why but she could feel it's tiny heart beat, the strong flutter of life growing inside her, luckily she didn't suffer morning sickness, a dead give away but she wouldn't be able to hide it for long. Valan, what will he say, he was Vampire, unable to procreate but some how she was having his child. That made it all the more special.

That evening Mary joined Katie in the living room. "Are you alright dear?"
"Yes, I'm fine" Taking her hand Mary squeezed it tight, "I know something is wrong, you are so quiet these days, is it the awakening?"
"No, it's not that"
"Then what child?" Katie turned away, she would have to tell her at some point, "I'm pregnant" she mumbled. Mary gasped, "But how, the only man you have been with is Val...." impossible.  "I don't understand it myself but it is Valan's, please don't tell him"
"Are you sure you're...."
"I did a test, it was positive"
"I see" Mary wanted to cry, as if the child didn't have enough problems.

"What are you going to do?"
"I'm keeping it" Mary nodded, "We don't know how the awakening is going to affect you and with a baby, it could make things worse" Katie understood. "We will deal with this but Valan needs to know, it is his child, he has the....."
"NO!" Katie couldn't face him, not yet. Mary didn't answer, she would tell him she had no choice, the risk was to great and he was the father. Katie rose, "I think I'll go to bed, goodnight"
"Goodnight dear"

Mary sat and waited for Valan. After a while she heard the door open then close, she braced herself. "Everything alright?" he asked, sensing her apprehension, "Is Katheryn ok?"

"Yes, yes, she fine" Valan looked at the old woman, "What is it?"
"Valan dear, I think you better sit down" she patted the seat beside her. "Well, out with it" he barked, his impatience wearing thin. Mary smoothed the creases from her skirt, there was only one way to tell him, straight out. "Katie's pregnant"
"WHAT!" Valan roared jumping from his seat, "Who's the Father?"
"You" His laughter rang through the castle, "Impossible"
"Katie is adamant it's yours"
"Well apart from the obvious I don't know"

What the hell had he done! "Oh Valan how could you"

"What happened?" Mary asked gently, placing a hand on his knee. "I couldn't help it, stop myself" slowly he told her about the night, the awakenings hold on Katie, the hunger for blood replaced by passion. Mary understood, Vampires were highly sexual; she had been with him long enough to know that, lost count of the amount of woman that passed through the castle. "I wish I'd walked out, ran but....."
"I wish you had too" Mary told him, her tone showing her disappointment. "Where is she, I need to talk to her"
"Don't. I promised I wouldn't tell you, how will it affect her, the awakening I mean?" Valan shook his head.

He wanted to yell, roar at the top of his voice, hit something. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" he muttered to himself, under normal circumstances he would be delighted, to become a Father after so long. How could it happen, he was technically dead....Emily! the bitch......whatever had allowed her to conceive must have passed to Katheryn. That woman had now fucked up two lives, it wasn't all her fault, if he had left, kept his bloody trousers zipped. She would have to get rid of it, the danger of going ahead was to great, he had to speak to her, apologise, try and put things right. To hell with keeping quiet.

He thought of the life growing inside her, boy or girl, Vampire or human or would it be like it's Mother, fighting for years the Vampire part not knowing how it would end. A part of him was alive, had brought life, something he had never dreamed of....his stomach was in knots. If Emily was still here he would gladly wring her neck, her twisted desire for a child, Vampires don't procreate, they are cursed creatures destined to walk the earth, anonymous, invisible. What was going through Katheryn's mind, she must be terrified. His mind was racing, so many questions and not enough answers. It would be dawn soon, he would speak to her tomorrow, give her all the support she needed....he owed her that at least.

Valan knocked on the door. "Come in" Katie was surprised to see him. "I was wondering how you are?"
"I'm fine thank you, are we going hunting?" 
"Soon" Valan moved closer his voice low, "Katheryn, why didn't you tell me?" Katie turned white, "She promised!"
"She had to, I'm glad she did" He was so calm, almost cold, she hadn't expected that but then she didn't know what to expect. "Are you positive, I mean....."
"I did a test"
"Do you want Mary to be with you?" He thought she was getting rid of it, Mary hadn't told him, Katie moved away wanting distance.

"I'm keeping it" Valan couldn't believe it, "You can't!"
"Why not"
"Well, the awakening for a start"
"I know the risks"
"Know the risks!" Valan roared, "Nobody knows the risks, it could make it worse, kill you, you have to get rid of it" Katie closed her eyes, she didn't have to do anything, "No" Valan was furious but not with her, "Katheryn please, at least think about it" 
"I have, I want this baby"
"NO! I won't allow it"

She ran, refusing to hear any more. Damn and blast, he's jumped in with both feet and messed things up even more. Lose her, his child or both, he should be celebrating, hugging her making plans but that was a fairy tale except in his world, in his world you drank only blood, avoided daylight and wrecked lives, his world sucked. Climbing the stairs he walked onto the parapet. He would give her some space then talk more, maybe then he could convince her.

Valan found her in the basement, it used to be the dungeon but damp had caused him to have drastic work done; now it was just a large empty room. Katie sat in the corner, she looked so small, like a child who had been scolded, he wanted to hold her, wrap his arms round her and tell her it would be alright. Kneeling beside her he saw the tears, sometimes he could be a complete arsehole, "Katheryn, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted"
"Go away"
"Please, talk to me, help me to understand, why do you want to keep it?" Katie nearly laughed, if only he knew, I want this baby because it's yours, I love you, that's why, yeah right! "It's a life, I can't give it up, throw it away like a piece of rubbish, I can feel it, it's heart beating, sense it" Valan was stunned, he didn't know much about pregnancy but he knew that wasn't normal.

"I can't guarantee they'll be no problems, the awakening could become worse, cause harm to you or the baby...."
"I understand, I can accept that.....I just can't abort it"
"And once it's born, I mean it will have your blood and mine, it could have the same problems as you"
"You think I haven't thought of that, I have had everything possible run round my head for might be ok"
"True, but I want you to know the danger" Katie nodded, there was a risk but she had to go through with it, for him, for her. "Very well, I know a Doctor, he's human but a friend, he'll keep an eye on you both, which just leaves one more thing"
"Marry me"

This should be the happiest day of her life. Valan insisted she marry him, the child would have his name, he refused to take no for an answer. Staring into the mirror she said it out loud, "Mrs Valan Campbell" The wedding had been small, quick, when the registrar had said you may now kiss the bride it had been brief, a quick peck. They had come straight home with Valan immediately leaving again, she hadn't seen him since. It was ironic, she had dreamed of this day but now, now she felt empty, married to a man the neither lover her nor wanted the child....what had she done?

What a farce, the wedding was quick, discreet. When he was told to kiss the bride it had been a quick peck all the while he desperately wanted to hold her, kiss her senseless. Now he hid, waiting for Katheryn to to to bed, he couldn't look at her. So far the pregnancy was going well, Derek was visiting every week, he would check her over then report to him. Katheryn was glowing, she was feeding more, her thirst almost unquenchable but apart from that all was fine, maybe he was worrying about nothing. But it didn't stop the guilt or the hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach. He stared into the night, she was crying, he could feel it, he had forced the marriage on her and now...hell, he couldn't do anything right.

Mr and Mrs Valan Campbell, it sounded strange. His first marriage, he had never wanted to before, and when he was alive, what's the hurry, the ladies in court would swoon, all wanting the attention of the clan chief. He had more than a few lovers but marriage, children....he was still young, plenty of time, ha! After he was turned, became Vampire, he stayed away from relationships, his woman all wanting the same as him, a quick fumble under the sheets, a one night stand. He had centuries to fine tune his skills and as a Vampire plenty of stamina, he guaranteed the woman never forgot a night with him. But Katheryn had changed all that, he wanted the norm, a loving wife, kids and yes even a dog. He wanted the dream, the fairy tale. Fuck!

A week passed and she rarely saw Valan; Mary fussed over her making sure she was alright, getting plenty of rest and generally clucking like a Mother hen. Katie was grateful when Mary announced she was going into town for the afternoon, stretching out on the sofa she dosed. The doorbell brought her round. "Gary!" Katie squealed in delight, "Why didn't you ring; let me know you were coming?" He hugged her tight, "I wasn't sure what with exams and that but I had a free afternoon and thought why not"
"Come in, I'll put the kettle on" Gary whistled as he followed her to the kitchen, "Hey nice place, I take it your guardian is rich"
"A bit, he's not my guardian anymore" she flashed the ring under his nose. "Wow girl you kept that quiet, was that the reason you left college?"
"No, unfortunately I was ill"

Taking the tray into the living room Katie poured tea. "Are you not having one?"
"No, I've been drinking tea all day, I'm kinda full" Gary took a sip, "So where is he, the man that swept you off your feet?"
"Valan, he's at work, won't be back for a while yet"
"Shame, I would like to have met him, maybe another time"
"Yeah! another time, so what's happening, what's the campus news?" Gary filled her in, the parties he had attended, the sleepless nights with his nose in books and the girl friends. "Sounds like fun"
"I miss my pal" he winked. "Don't, you'll make me cry"

"Well I better get going" Gary stood, "We'll get together soon" Katie was sad to see him leave, hugging him tight she made him promise not to leave it to long. "I'll be back, soon" Hanging up her jacket Mary heard voices coming from the living room, opening the door she was shocked to see Katie with a man. "Mary, this is Gary Williams, we met in college" Mary took his hand, "Pleased to met you Gary"
"Yeah, you too" he turned to Katie, "Look kido, I really must get going" Katie showed Gary out, from the look on Mary's face she guessed she wasn't pleased about her visitor.

Katie walked back into the room. "What made your friend call; I mean he's not been around before?"
"He was in the area, thought he would call in"
"I see, how did he know where you lived?" Katie laughed, "I gave him the address when I left, he's a good friend" Mary wasn't so sure, Valan wasn't going to like this."Are you alright, you look a bit pale"
"Yes, yes of course, now put your feet up girl, you've had enough excitement for one day" Mary paused at the door, "Katie dear, did you tell him about the baby?"
"No I didn't" surprised at seeing Gary she had forgot to tell him, as Mary closed the door she swore she heard the old woman mutter good under her breath.

Gary walked slowly down the hill. He had seen the old woman leave, new Valan would be sleeping. He was surprised to find Katie had married the Vampire. The old woman was suspicious, would tell Valan of his visit but that didn't matter. Pity really, he liked Katie and she certainly was a stunner but she was half bread, a liability, if others found out that bitch Emily had conceived then all the other females would be wanting kids. Then there was the problem of having Mortal blood, a weakness, if it wasn't stopped the Vampire bloodline would be weakened, destroyed...he had his orders, a job to do and like any good minion he would do as he was told. All the same it was a shame Katie had to die.

Katie had gone to bed early. Valan quietly closed the door and headed for the kitchen. Seeing the worried look on Mary's face "What's wrong?"
"Katie had a visitor today......"
"What, who?"
"A young man named Gary Williams, they met at college, he said he was in the area......"
"How did he kn....." he stopped, "Katheryn gave him the address"
"Yes, don't blame her, she doesn't know"
"Maybe I should have told her"
"No point in worrying her now, not good in her condition, it's probably nothing" Valan nodded in agreement "I'll see what I can find out about him"


Mary looked up from her knitting,  at nearly five months Katie was getting quite big. There was a reserved excitement in the castle; nobody spoke about the baby, frightened of tempting fate. On the outside Katie was calm and well but inside she felt terrible, she was constantly tired but couldn't sleep and the hunger was continuous. The awakening had been sated since she had started feeding but as the baby grew so did the thirst. She kept quiet. Still she rarely saw Valan and when she did he was cold and distant, her heart was breaking, how long could she keep up this pretence.

"You look tired dear"
"I am a bit"
"Why don't you go for a lie down, I'll get you when Valan is ready to go"
"I'll wait, he shouldn't be to long" Mary sighed, Valan was so moody these days, even she was getting barked at, he could be so stubborn, why he just didn't tell her how he felt; she had the feeling that Katie felt something for him too; she was confused as to why he didn't pick it up but then they do say love is blind. "I think he might be a while yet, go for a little while, you'll feel better for it" Katie doubted it but agreed, "Just for an hour, I wouldn't want to keep him waiting" Easing herself of the sofa she headed upstairs, bed sounded good just now. Slipping on her PJ's she fell asleep instantly.

Katie woke, the hunger agonising. She tried to ignore it, Valan would be ready soon. Closing her eyes she tried to think of something else, anything except the terrible craving she had. It was no use, the more she ignored it the more it screamed, the pain it was causing was almost to much to bare. Feeling a kick she put her hand on her stomach, it kicked again. It wanted it too. Surprised at how much she had connected with the child she tried to explain she would be feeding soon.

It hit, gripping her like a vice, she whimpered then went quiet. Her mind blank; the awakening in total control, deciding every thought, every action, swinging her legs round she sat at the edge of the bed, her eyes void of life. Katie stood. Blood, her only thought her only desire, she had to have some now, by any means possible. Opening the door she crossed the hall. Blood, blood, BLOOD.    

Valan was in the snug, reading, he looked up sensing it. "Katheryn" he muttered heading down the steps, almost knocking her over in his haste. "Katheryn, are you alright?" Katie didn't hear him, her mind screamed over and over again, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!
"Katheryn, please!" Nothing, she stood quietly as if waiting for something. He entered her mind, nothing; empty apart from the need the agonising craving for blood. Reaching the bottom of the steps he reached out to her, "Katheryn?" He should have taken her, the awakening was eased by feeding but Mary had explained, told him how tired she was, he didn't think missing one night would be a problem......he was wrong.  

She turned her youngling eyes aflame with the severity of it's hold, he sensed it, the need, the desire to kill. He stepped closer, looking for a sign, recognition of his presence, nothing she looked right through him. "Katheryn?" There, a glimmer, barely visible but it was there. "Katheryn" his voice tender, "I'm sorry, sorry for letting my lust get the better of me, sorry for the baby and most of all sorry, for loving you" He rambled, his voice raw, holding nothing back. Katie stood, his voice deep and tender, almost hypnotising. Slowly her eyes changed, became her own, bewildered she opened her mouth to speak.

Valan grabbed her before she hit the floor. Gently he picked her up, held her close. His hand touched her swollen stomach, Derek had explained how big she was getting but didn't seem overly worried, he hadn't paid any attention, till now. He held her revelling in the closeness of their bodies, listening to her heart......two.....three hearts. Their was two...Twins. The sound of two lives, his children, their hearts steady and strong. Valan was fascinated, drawing her closer he listened intently as they hammered away, he felt the pull, a gentle tug at his own heart. Katie sighed, her eyes opened, "What happened?" she asked as she struggled to get down. "Shh! It's ok; I'll take you to your room"

"You can let me down now" Katie squirmed, the closeness of his body to much to bare. "Goodnight Katheryn" he started to close the door. "Good...oh!" Instantly he was by her side, "What?"
"It was the baby, that was a powerful kick" she smiled shyly at him. "You mean babies, it's twins"
"Two?" stunned she stared down at her large bump, "Twins!"
"May I" Valan put his hand to her stomach, smiled at the kick it received. Dropping his hand he stepped back, "Goodnight Katheryn" Katie was afraid, what if it happens again, what if Valan wasn't there? "Don't leave me....please"

Valan lay listening to her breathing, the steady rhythm of three hearts. Twins, Christ! He would tell Derek tomorrow, Derek was a good man; they had met years ago at a function. He had never been one for following the Vampire law although he kept his human friends to a minimum and they never knew what he was, Derek was different. Walking home one night they had been jumped, a gang of youths were after their money. One of the gang was nervous, in panic had fired his gun, going straight through him. The gang had ran leaving him on the ground; Derek started to treat him and was struck dumb when he saw the wound heal itself. That was eleven years ago and Derek had been a good friend and Doctor since. Katie murmured, moving closer she rested her head on his shoulder, her arm draped round his waist.

Moving his arm he drew her close, convincing himself it was for his own comfort. She didn't have to tell him, he had felt it for weeks, the hunger increasing with each passing day. He had told Mary to watch her closely, report any and everything to him no matter how insignificant it was. He looked at Katie, this was the first night in weeks she had slept soundly, he would hear her moving around the castle, even after feeding the thirst for blood was strong. Brushing a strand of hair from her face he watched her sleep, her lips so close to his. He turned away, his heart was aching, he wanted to tell her so much.....
It was almost dawn when he slid from her side, quietly closing the door he headed for his resting place.

Taking her hunting as soon as night fell, he let her drink as much as she wanted, then taking her home he left again for his own sustenance. Being as quick as possible he would normally return within the hour, he disliked leaving the woman alone for to long, this Gary fellow lurked in the back of his mind. Mary was in the kitchen as usual, she seemed constantly tied to the sink, with all the latest gadgets she still insisted on doing things herself. Saying goodnight he headed to the living room, here he would sit on guard his Vampire senses able to pick up the slightest sound, the smallest scent.
Katie stood up, her back was killing her, no matter what position she was in it ached, she was rubbing it vigorously when Valan walked in. "Here let me"
"No, thank you, It'll be ok"

"Nonsense" he scoffed, he could feel her discomfort. Katie tried to ignore his touch but her body was on fire, "It's the weight" she blurted. Moving closer he gently rubbed her back, "I'm not surprised, two babies in such a small frame" Derek had confirmed that evening, twins, guessing one was behind the other hence the reason he didn't pick it up. He warned Valan the dangers increased; she was not to lift a finger, as for the awakening he couldn't guarantee they would not be affected, his time spent with Valan had taught him a lot about Vampires the rest he had picked up from books, unsure what was fact or fiction. Valan's feelings were mixed, wanting the babies but terrified at the risks, the more tired and uncomfortable she got the more he regretted their night of passion.

Slowly his hands slid round resting on her bump. Katie leaned against him grateful for the support; she stayed still scared any movement would break the spell. Valan closed his eyes and concentrated, he could see their hearts, feel their hunger their tiny bodies protected by their mother, they moved around each jostling for space, space that was getting sparse. Katie waited quietly, in his arms she felt safe, nothing could harm her, she was home. She burned the feeling into her mind, a memory to bring up in the future; once they were born she would never feel his touch again. Tears came to her eyes and she stifled a sob.

Katie turned, tried to move away, this was too much, she was at risk of telling him, blurting out her love. Valan refused to let her go, he heard the sob, felt her pain, her distress at being in his arms, he was being selfish he knew that but just this once. He felt her breath on his chest, her stomach pressed against him; he could feel the steady rise and fall of her breasts. Her heart hammered in her chest, the closeness of his body, his scent was driving her wild, she could feel her blood rising...she wanted him. His hands rested on her bum pulling her closer, her swollen stomach preventing complete contact, the sound of his blood roared in his ears, he hardened.

Quickly he stepped back; his control was at risk, if he didn't move now he would loose it. Katie stood for a moment, what happened? "It's late" Valan announced gruffly. She didn't answer in fear her voice would break, give her feelings for him away, she headed for the door her heart torn to pieces. Valan didn't move, he waited for the sound of the door closing then slammed his fists down on the fire place. He had to get out.... Opening the front door he took off the night sky.

Returning home he walked the castle, making sure everything was as it should be, checking on Katie last. "Why aren't you asleep?"
"I can't" she whispered, "What if it happens again?" Valan climbed onto the bed, "Come" Katie climbed up beside him, putting his arms round her he pulled her close, snuggling up to him Katie closed her eyes. The hold the awakening had on her the last time had frightened her, she was terrified to sleep, he had the feeling she was keeping something from him, he had tried to search her mind, find the answer but whatever it was she was keeping it locked away.

It became a regular thing; Katie would wait for him to return home, refusing to sleep without him. She didn't want to sleep on her own, the awakening had scared her, something was wrong, she didn't know what but the feeling was there. The babies were fine and the Doctor was happy with her pregnancy, she didn't tell him the feeling she had knowing that it would get back to Valan. Valan was worried; he had felt the change in her, her pale skin was even whiter her eyes dull, he had spoken to Derek but both of them were unable to come up with an answer. Katie hadn't stepped out side in weeks; the light hurting her eyes even with sunglasses. He stayed with her, watching her sleep, savouring each second.

It was a humid sticky day, Katie had been feeling very uncomfortable all day. "Mary, why have you not been turned?"
"Och, no child, I never thought of asking, I don't think I could cope wandering the earth for centuries, the technology today is confusing enough besides I doubt Valan would do it"
"Has Valan turned many people?"
"A few I dare say, but not since I've been with him, he never talks about his past but I think he regrets a lot of things" Katie wondered what he was like then, the Valan she knew was always so serious and these days grumpy. She squirmed in her seat, the discomfort now a dull ache. "Are you alright dear?"
"Yes, no, I don't know, I think I'll go for a bath" hoping that would ease the pain.

Katie stood up, a sharp pain shot round her stomach causing her to yell. "Oh my, there coming" Mary ran towards her, "I better call the Doctor" turning she ran to the phone. Clutching her stomach as another sharp pain hit Katie felt her stomach contract, no it's too soon! Mary spoke quickly then dropping the receiver dashed back to Katie, "He's on his way" Katie nodded as another contraction hit, grabbing the sofa she tried to concentrate on her breathing. Mary waited for it to pass then helped her upstairs to her room then ran back down to put the kettle on, plenty of hot water and towels.

Valan paced the hall, it had been hours since Katie went into labour, Derek had nodded to him then shot upstairs, since then he had heard nothing. Mary would appear then disappear back into the bedroom, nobody was telling him anything, what the hell was going on? He had felt her pain, the fear, five weeks early was not really a problem these days but neither Katie nor the babies could go to hospital, they would find out, questions would be asked. Would someone please tell him what's happening? Katie was exhausted, she was loosing strength with each passing minute, if something didn't happen soon....

He clenched and unclenched his fists, now he knew what a human felt, those poor men pacing the floors one cigarette after another. Mary shot down stairs "Oh dear" then ran back up, Katie's door slammed. He heard a scream, his eyes turned, he concentrated. Katheryn, you can do this, your nearly there, he told her over and over again. I can't, no more, I just want to sleep...Yes you can, just do as Derek says and it will soon be over, think of the babies. Yes, the babies....think of the babies. His mind locked with hers he followed her every step of the way. The cries of his first child, his son closely followed by his daughter brought tears to his eyes.

Valan hovered at the door, Derek came out and shook his hand, "Congratulations" Katie was sleeping, the birth was difficult, he thought he might loose them but she had found the strength, she had lost quite a bit of blood but would be ok in time, the babies for being so early were surprisingly strong. Mary refused to let him see her, "Absolutely not, you'll wake her, go see your children" Opening the door of the nursery he looked at the cots, he stared at the babies, his babies. Picking up his son he looked into his eyes, studied him closely. The baby cried. Mary watched him, like any new Father he was scared, "Valan, you'll not hurt him"

"My son" he murmured holding him to his chest, he couldn't believe it, he was a Father. The crying stopped, closing his eyes the baby slept, his head resting on Valan's chest. Valan looked his the tiny fingers, the toes, he felt his heart beating the breath on his cheek, gently putting him down he went to the other cot, picked up his daughter. It was amazing, how something so small could bring such feelings, the overwhelming love, the need to protect. "Right, that's enough, they need to sleep and you need to feed" Mary announced, "You'll be no good to anyone if you don't" Reluctantly he put his daughter back in her cot.

He would just check on them, a quick peek then he'd look in on Katheryn. At the top of the stairs he saw her standing in the doorway of the nursery. Valan approached silently, her head moved back and forth from one baby to the other. "You should be resting"
"I will, I just wanted to see them, my babies" She looked pale and tired, "Our babies, I'll take you to your room"
"In a minute, I just want to...." Grabbing he arm he spun her round, "I said bed" deftly lifting her of the floor.

Katie wrapped her arms round his neck, grateful for his help. Tucking her into bed he turned leave. Where was he going, she grabbed his arm in panic, "You're not leaving?" her eyes wide in terror. "I'll be back, I just need to do something" peeling her hand from his arm. Soon his was back, lying beside her, "What will we call them, I like Christian for the boy, after my father" Katie agreed sleepily, "Sayen for the girl"
"Done" he liked the sound of that, Christain and Sayen. Katie yawned, moving closer she rested her head on his chest. Valan stared at the ceiling.

It hadn't taken long for Katie to recover even the Doctor was surprised. Valan wanted to see her, sitting in the living room she waited for him to speak. "What do you know of Gary?" Katie was surprised, "Gary! not much, he started college about the same time as me; his parents live in Europe....."
"Did he tell you anything else, where he was born, his background?"
"No, why?"
"No reason" Valan changed the subject; he had checked up on Gary but found nothing, nobody had heard of him till he started the same college as Katie. Katie watched him with veiled eyes, he stretched out on the sofa, arms behind his head, his shirt tightened over his torso, revealing every inch of muscle. Her blood soared, her heart pounded, the night she had been in his arms flashed through her mind, the night she had conceived, she jumped up with a sob.....

"What's wrong"
"Nothing, nothing at all"
"Katheryn, I know when you're lying" his voice deepened with concern, "Please tell me" Katie bit her lip, "I'm just being silly, hormones new mother and all that"
"Liar" he crooned, putting his arms round her. That was to much, she couldn't hold it back. Valan was shocked, he could feel the emotions, held back for so long. "Whatever is the matter, is it the awakening?"
"What then...tell me?"
"I, it's just that...."
"What?" Katie howled, "I love you" she babbled, "I can't keep it a secret any more, I've loved you since....I wanted to tell.....I know you don't love me but......"

Valan started to laugh, picking her up he swung her round the room, "You do, you love me?"
"I've dreamt for years you would say that" Katie stared at him, "You have?" He pulled her close, "I have loved you for so long, you crept into my heart as a stroppy kid, I was scared to say anything, you were so young"
"You love me?" had she heard right? "I tried to fight it, convince myself it was no good but the day you ran away, went to college I was gutted, I knew then there was no point in fighting it" His lips met hers; Mary walked in and promptly walked out smiling, about time she thought. "I love you Mrs Campbell"
"And I love you Mr Campbell" Katie took him by the hand, "Show me" she murmured as she led him upstairs.

Their eyes burned with passion, he taught her, bringing her to heights never felt before, never thought possible. Just when she thought she could go no further he entered her, Katie gasped, the sensation flooded her body makeing her shudder. Feeling her round him he thrust his hips filling her completely, he watched her eyes darken, felt her peak, her gowl sending him into a frenzy. Their movements frantic, desperate, making up for lost time. Afterwards they took it slowly, each savouring, loving the other. Dawn approached, Valan kissed his now sleeping wife then headed for his coffin, they had plenty time to talk, explore each other.

Katie woke late, Mary had seen to the children letting her sleep a bit longer. She was feeding the babies herself, their need for blood only sated from her own milk, sorting the washing she wished Valan was up, they had so much to catch up on. Jumping at a noise she turned. "Gary"
"Katie, I said I would see you soon" he grinned. "What are you doing with that gun?" Katie stepped back. "I'm sorry I have my orders, I have to follow them" Gary cocked the trigger. They were friends, weren't they, so what happened, why was he doing this? "Can't we talk?"

The tower was damp and dark, the sun tried to penetrate it but gave up. A coffin stood on one side, the lid closed the occupant resting. DANGER! here in the castle, he sensed it, Mary's shock then Katie's fear, he had to get to her. The daylight was his foe, would kill him but he had to stop him, Gary was the danger he had to get to him. The lid burst open, Valan sat upright his fangs bared. He hissed as his eyes turned a deep red but not the colour of passion, this was the eyes of a killer, the excitement of blood. The speed from which he left his coffin, went downstairs was inhuman.

Checking his children he flew towards the stairs. Katie had felt him, new he was coming for her; trying to buy some time she talked to Gary. Valan he has a gun. I know, stay calm don't let on I'm here. I'm frightened. It's ok my darling. He's pointing at me.....oh my god! At the bottom he saw Mary, kneeling beside her, she was alive but out cold.

Gary fired just as Valan grabbed him, plunging his fangs into his neck. He wasn't supposed to be here, the daylight prevented him from rising, Gary thought, he was told it would be easy. Valan drank, draining him almost completely. Gary's legs buckled, slumping against the Vampire, the others would be angry, refuse to turn him but then they didn't have to.

Valan looked over at Katie, she was still breathing. "Who sent you?" he snarled at Gary.
"LIAR!" who sent you?" Gary shook his head, like hell was he going to blab. Valan entered his mind, getting the information easily, "So you wanted to be one of us, thought the clans would agree if you did this for them, well congratulations, you are now a Vampire, for as long as it lasts" Holding Gary round the neck he twisted. The silence was broken by the sound of tissue being torn, of bone splintering. Gary slumped to the floor, his neck broken. Valan went over to Katie, her heart thumped then stopped. Katie was dead.

Valan stayed with her, the daylight weakening him. He didn't care, she was gone, Katie, his wife...his love. What was the point on going on. Mary came into the room, wiping away her own tears, "You have to sleep Valan"
"What's the point Mary put her arm round him, "You have two beautiful children, Katie would want you to be their for them"
"Leave me alone" Mary closed the door.

He could feel his body burning in the light, slowly killing him but he couldn't leave her alone, she was afraid of being alone when she slept. The sun made it's descent, the day over, Valan was unable to shed any more tears, feel anything but emptiness.
Freedom, it was finally free. It had been fighting but it always got forced back, it had changed tactics, altering small things, things that went unnoticed, now it felt no defenses, it moved cautiously at first then finding no resistance it picked up speed destroying all mortality.
Finally Valan stood, kissing Katie he opened the door, he had a funeral to arrange, pulling the door over he went to go downstairs, he stopped....

He looked into her bedroom.... Katie smiled at him, "Did you get him?" Valan stared, his voice lost, it was her, standing in front of him but she felt different. "Are the babies alright and Mary?" Valan stepped forward, "Katheryn!"
"Yes" Vampire! she was a Vampire; he felt it now, her heart no longer beat but her blood still flowed, her eyes still the colour of a youngling but in time, as she grew stronger they would change. "Valan what ever is the matter?"

Valan pulled her close, "Do you know what you are?" Had he gone mad, "Of course I do, I'm.... Vampire!" she stared at him, "How?"
"What do you remember?"
"I was in the kitchen, Gary...he, he had a gun!" It explained everything, her mortal self had been dominate for years, holding her Vampire blood back, keeping it in check but on her death it had been freed, allowed to flow, grow and reignite her body. "Can you live with that, I mean does it bother you?" Katie thought for a moment, no more awakening, no more pain or fear of sleeping, to be with Valan forever...

Feeling her joy he knew the answer, he kissed her, being by her side for eternity filled him with joy. "You never answered my questions?"
"What questions?" he murmured as his lips traveled down her throat. "The children and Mary, are they alright?"
"They are fine, Mary has a headache but will be ok and the children are sound asleep"
"Gary, what about him?" His eyes flashed in anger with the thought of seeing her lying on the floor, "Gary is dead" Katie felt a pang of sorrow, he had been a good friend or so she thought.

Mary was delighted to find Katie alive, crying even more with happiness. As Valan had said the Babies were safe and well, sleeping soundly. After feeding Valan dragged her to the bedroom, "Well Mrs Campbell, what will we do now?" Katie giggled, "I'm sure you'll come up with something" she purred sweetly. "I have a few things in mind"  Katie had a thought, "Where will I sleep?" Valan removed her clothes reveling the feel of her skin, "You can rest with me while we sort it out, it will be tight but we'll manage"
"Sounds good to me" she liked the idea of being close to him. Her Vampire blood roared through her body, pulling him towards her. Valan caressed her, kissed her, tasted her. Katie pleaded, begged to feel his hardness, but still Valan teased... Why hurry.