Monday 12 September 2011

Part 5

Emerging from the forest Bella cursed, whoever was in the area had gone. With one more perimeter check she headed indoors to tell her dad. Valan scowled, looks like they know where he is. Both he and Nic listened as she told them it was a mortal, male and he had not gotten further than the forest edge. “I’ll take first watch while you get some rest” her dad stated. “Fine, wake me in four hours” Bella kissed him on the cheek then left the room. Nic commented on Bella’s leap of the parapet. “Even I would need to change or levitate to the ground” Valan informed him. “Do you not worry?” “Of course, I worry about all my children” Nic smiled. “But Bella more so?” Valan nodded. “She is excellent at fighting but, aye”

With Luke watching TV Bella headed for the bathroom, the run through the trees and made her grubby, she washed quickly wanting to get some sleep before her dad called her.

She had just stepped from the shower when Luke yelled that the bulb in the den had blown. Drying quickly she pulled on an old nightshirt and opened the door. “Its pitch black” Luke exclaimed unable to see anything. “Give me a second” since the wiring was upgraded every time a bulb blew it tripped the fuse shutting down all lights; Bella reached under one of the sofas and retrieved a spare.

On Bella’s instruction Luke flicked the switch on the fuse box, bright light filled the room once more and Luke gasped. Bella hovered at the light as if suspended by strings. “Holy shit” Bella laughed “Don’t let you parents hear you” she scolded humorously. “Can all Vampires do that?” the kid asked excitedly. “Sure, you wanna try”

Nic stood at the doorway and watched as Bella dressed in an oversized night shirt held Luke in the air, both in fits of laughter. “Ok kid, down you go” Bella giggled as she let him go and he dropped landing on the sofa. Luke saw Nic and jumped to his feet causing Bella to turn round. “I thought I’d see where I would be sleeping”

Drifting back to the floor Bella smiled at him “Sure but I must warn you, my room carries a health warning” With a quizzical look Nic said it would be fine till she opened the door “Dolore buona!” he exclaimed. “As a teen I went through the rebellious stage and never got round to redecorating” Nic smiled “You rebellious, I find that hard to believe” Bella laughed “Oh you wouldn’t dream of the things I got up to, once I snuck out to meet a boy and Dad found out, scared the living shit out of him” Nic chuckled “And you?” Her Dad had been more worried than angry “So I’d taken my glasses off, it’s not as if the boy could see I mean it was pitch black and we were busy snogging”

“Snogging?” Nic queried. “You know, kissing” Folding his arms a roguish smile spread across his face “Do you do that a lot?” “What sneaking out?” His eyes sparkled with amusement and something else? “Snogging” Bella smiled wickedly “With the right boy” “What about a man?” he drawled. “If the right one comes along” Nic chuckled “I better be on my best behaviour then” Nic watched her head out the door, heard the ‘Don’t be too good’ comment she’d muttered, looking round the room he decided his visit was going to be an interesting one.

In bed Bella’s mind drifted; it was great having her brother home she had often wondered where he was and what he was doing. She loved Luke, a great kid that had adjusted to their way of life well but she wasn’t sure about Jen. The woman was quiet and always seemed to be looking over her shoulder, I guess finding you’ve got Vampires as in-laws can be a shock. Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

“Bella” She woke. “Yeah” “Are you alright?” Sayan asked. “I was till you woke me, what’s up?” There was silence for a moment then “Nothing, go back to sleep”

Valan looked up as Sayan entered the room. “Bella’s in danger!” his daughter blurted obviously upset. “What do you mean” Sayan paced the room “I saw it, she was lying on the ground, blood, lots of blood everywhere” Valan tried to calm her but was also unsettled by her vision. “Do I tell her?” No, but – forewarned is forearmed “Yes, she’ll be extra vigilant but we won’t tell your mother” no point on worrying Katie more than she is.

Dressed and upstairs Bella went to the kitchen. “Och child, you’re not wearing that, your dad will have a fit” Jean grumbled. “Dad’s always having fits” Bella replied as she poured a glass of blood for herself.

Luke sat at the table drinking coke while Mary made snacks for his mum and dad. “Has mum and dad been out yet?” Bella asked. “Not yet, your dad doesn’t want your mum going alone from now on but he’s tied up on the phone” Just then the door opened and Valan walked in with Nic. “Luke can you go into the drawing room for a moment” he asked his grandson. Luke headed out the room moaning about missing something important. “Ain’t life a bitch” Bella called after him then turned to her dad. “So what’s up?” Valan told her of Sayan’s vision and asked her to be careful then left looking for Katie, commenting he would speak to her about ‘that’ T - shirt later.

“I did warn you” Jean scolded then picked up the tray and left. “What’s wrong with the T shirt?” Nic asked admiring the way she’d let her hair fall loosely over her shoulders. Bella pulled at it till the print was clearly visible, a stop children sign was printed on it with the words ‘Stop children – use a condom’ Inwardly Nic cringed but looking at Bella he gave a polite smile “Interesting” “Dad hates it but I think it’s funny” she informed him “I swear the older he gets the more he loses his sense of humour”

“Your Dad’s not yet seven hundred; I am a lot older than that and still have my humour” Bella stared at him intently. “How old are you?”

“I am nearly two thousand years old” The kitchen filled with Bella’s wild laughter. “Holy shit!” she stammered “Well that’s it then” “What’s it?”He asked politely. “At that age I’ll be surprised if anything still works” she teased “I mean, things may not do what you want them to do or don’t work at all” Nic gave a wolfish grin “I can assure you everything works - very well” Before Bella could reply her dad said it was her turn to keep watch.

Entering the den she heard a low growl, a figure shifted uneasily in the corner watching her. Bella prepared herself as she sent a mental message. “Dad, Luke’s in hunt mode”

Part 4                                                              Part 6

Sunday 21 August 2011

Part 4

Nic stood at the bottom of the drive and looked up at the castle. Well built, remote and surrounded by water, obviously built with protection in mind, he didn’t see too many problems with security. Looking round he noticed the town in the distance, far enough not to notice things but close enough for supplies – good. Walking up the path he ran through the report in his mind – Valan a six hundred and ninety seven year old Vampire who had always kept to himself and shied away from the Society, married to Katheryn his ward, three kids. He remembered his reaction at reading that info; to this day nobody knew how Emily had done it. Reaching the door he knocked.

Sayan stood on the parapet; she spent her time here away from people, her visions constant company and pain. She watched the stranger approach, tall and broad he had age behind him and power, he was from the Society. An image crossed her mind, the stranger and someone with blond hair, she smiled – he had better prepare himself.

Her parents sat in the drawing room, lifting their heads they sensed Sayan leave, knowing where she was going. Getting to their feet they waited to meet their guest.

Bella looked at Luke, his difficulty sleeping at night was getting worse but his human side still craved rest. Laying on the sofa his brown hair over his eyes he was finally getting what he needed – for now. Heading upstairs she went looking for her parents and hearing them in the drawing room knew they had a guest, reaching in her pocket she pulled out her shades.

Nic looked up as the door opened then stood and bowed a puzzled look on his face. “You must be Annabella” he asked, his accent caressing her name. Bella stared at the huge man, wavy brown hair, green eyes - sweet Jesus he was gorgeous.

“Bella this is Nicodemo Lombardi from the Society” Bella flopped onto the seat beside him “Nice to meet you Nic” Nic watched as she pulled off her glasses to reveal crimson eyes, he turned to Valan. “Rosso” Bella giggled causing Nic to turn back. “Part of the freakiness of the family, the problem with my parents is they can’t leave each other alone and when another kid comes along its all bets on as to what they get” Nic smiled “I see, although I wouldn’t call any of you freak’s” he turned to her parents, Valan’s face was stone while Katie’s had turned scarlet. “And you are the youngest?” he turned his attention back to Bella. “Yep, I think I put them off having any more” Nic laughed.

Valan glowered at his daughter then went back to business. Nic told them what he had learnt “It seems Luke’s blood test has made an impact, word is that some people are looking for him” Katie stifled a sob causing Valan to pull her closer to him. The conversation moved to the boy’s protection and Chris’s abandonment all those years ago, Nic secretly wished the man had stayed put. Finally talk moved to the sleeping arrangements, finding Luke staying in the den Nic decided to sleep there too. “If it’s not too much inconvenience” Valan insisted it would be no trouble and turned to Bella “What do you think?”

“Is everything alright?” Nic asked when Bella didn’t reply. “I was just thinking If I don’t get out of here now that voice of yours is going to have me as a puddle on the floor” Her dad growled but Bella took no notice. “And why is that?” Nic asked a hint of humour in his voice. “Because your voice should come with a warning ‘Ladies this man can seriously fu.....” “ANNABELLA!” both her parents yelled, her dad adding “Go check on Luke” Heading for the door she turned to Nic who was still watching her. “Sexy man, damn sexy” she added with a wink. Valan rose “NOW” he bellowed causing her to dash out the door.

Running his hand through his hair he turned to Nic and apologised for his daughter’s behaviour. “She seems – bold” Nic commented politely. Katie apologised again. “She may be a bit wild but she’s good, can handle anything” Nic gave a polite smile, handle anything, he wouldn’t mind finding out just what she could handle. Asking to see Chris and his wife Valan summoned them to the drawing room where introductions were made. Nic observed the couple; Chris looked like his father and seemed more mortal than Vampire while his wife looked as if she could fall apart at any minute, another reason why Vampires should never mix with mortals.

Luke woke to the sound of thumping; rubbing his eyes he turned to see Bella carrying a large coffin through the den. “Damn, you can lift that!” Bella winked “I can throw you like a football if you cause me trouble” Luke laughed, he bet she could. His Aunt explained that they had a guest and that he wanted to join them in the den. “Another Vampire” Bella nodded “But this one is built like a train and older than your Grandfather, he’s also from the Society” Luke wondered what was so important about the ‘Society’ but before he could ask Bella told him Jean had something for him to eat in the kitchen.

Nic was in no hurry to see Luke, spending his visit in the den would give ample time to get to know the kid so he asked to see Sayan.

With her parents out hunting Bella lead him to the tower, at a door she hesitated. “Sayan may seem a bit off and don’t expect her to touch you, she won’t take your hand, she sees things, things that others can’t” Nic felt the love she had for her sister, heard the compassion in her voice; they were obviously a tight knit family. Bella opened the door. “Sayan, I’ve brought someone to meet you”

Nic watched the tall elegant woman who kept her back to them. “Ciao Sayan.” Turning slowly he observed the same hair as her father, the same eyes. “You are from the Society” Sayan asked, more of a statement than question. Nic nodded. “They are looking for the boy” Bella frowned “Who, who’s looking for him?” Sayan could only shake her head “Men and a woman, I see them but not their faces” Nic stepped forward “You have visions?” Sayan nodded, he detected sadness, pain. Suddenly Sayan stiffened and looked over the wall “Someone’s coming” Growling at them to stay put Bella leapt over the wall. “Buon Dio” Nic muttered, the drop had to be several hundred feet at least. “My sister may be crazy but she’s not stupid” Sayan murmured from the darkness.

Part  3                                                              Part 5

Part 3

Jen stared out the window at the rain; it seemed to do that a lot here. A week had passed since their arrival and although his family were nice she couldn’t shake off the apprehension, they were Vampires. No matter how she tried to brush it off the thought remained, she was surrounded by Vampires and her son was probably turning into one. Valan had explained what they were, that taking a mortals life was against their rules, but they still drank blood. Thank god they never had any more children although it wasn’t for the want of trying. Their first night she had almost run but Katie’s insistence had prevented her, Luke needed to be here.

Chris walked in and going to his wife wrapped his arms round her. “You ok honey?” Jen nodded. “Just a lot to take in, that’s all” Chris sighed. “I’m sorry, I should have told you a long time ago – before Luke” Jen turned to him. “I can understand why, I mean it’s not exactly something you bring up on your honeymoon” she smiled weakly. Chris gave her a kiss, he had been worried that she would reject him, turn and run out the door with Luke – thank God she hadn’t. Ignoring who he was had put his family in danger, maybe after twenty years it was time, time to accept, after all his family really were just that – family.

“Everything will be alright love” he promised. Jen wasn’t so sure. “What happens if they know about Luke’s blood?” Chris sat on the bed with a sigh. “There are some out there, ones that know of Vampires existence and want to destroy them, if they find out about Luke he could be in danger….” Jen gave a cry, Chris pulled her to him. “Nothing will happen to him, I promise, dad and Bella will guard at night” Jen looked at him, he had the same eyes as his father. “Bella, how can she….?” Chris chuckled “Don’t let looks fool you, apparently she’s and excellent warrior” He explained that his dad was once a skilled soldier and that those skills had passed to Bella. Spinning her round Chris pulled her closer till they were cheek to cheek. “It will all work out, I promise” Jen nodded, she wished she could believe him.

After dinner Chris caught up with the last twenty years. Mary had retired and moved into a care home ten years ago, she had told Valan he had done enough for her although he insisted on paying for her care and they visited as often as they could. His dad told him of the changes in the Vampire world that Devlyn was dead and the Society was now ruled by a council, although they still frowned on relationships with mortals they turned a blind eye, punishment by death was no longer accepted. Times were changing the Society could no longer live in the dark ages, it had to move on. “I had to inform them of the possible threat, there sending someone to help with any possible – err, problems” Valan looked at Jen not wanting to frighten her any more than she already was.

Bella and Luke appeared and literally fell onto the floor. “Damn Bro, that boy of yours is good, he whooped me – again” Valan told her that someone would be arriving in the next few days. “Fine, bed or box?” her dad winced at her choice of words “I think the last one will do fine” Bella nodded then got to her feet “I’m starving” “Do you drink blood too?” Luke asked. “Sure do kiddo, the fresher the better, normally we just hang the poor sod by the….”

“ANNABELLA” Katie scolded. Bella laughed then turned to the lad. “We drink animal’s blood, no humans” then leaning over whispered “Even if they taste nicer” she winked. Valan groaned “Would you stop trying to frighten him”

The door opened and a woman entered. Tall slim and pale, her black hair cut short. Chris stood and smiled “Hello Sayan” Jen looked at her and gave a small shudder; something about her gave her goose bumps. “Hi Chris, I heard you’d returned” she turned to Jen and gave a polite hello then looked at Luke. “You are going through the Awakening” Luke looked at his dad then nodded. Sayan gave a weak smile “You’ll be ok” then turning left the room. “She seems, nice” Jen commented unsure what else to say. Bella laughed. “Ignore her, she’s always glum, I swear she was born sucking a lemon” Giving his daughter a stern look Valan explained Sayan’s gift. “She has the sight, unfortunately she sees things even when she doesn’t want to – it’s been hard for too except”

In the kitchen Jean gave Bella a stern look. “Are you upsetting your brother and his family?” Bella giggled as she grabbed a bottle from the fridge. “Me, now why would I do that” Jean snorted. “Mark my words girl, you’ll end up in trouble one of these days” Bella put an arm round the old woman “Auntie Jean, I’m the angel of the mutant pack” laughing at the woman’s reaction to her words. “I don’t think Chris’s wife is handling things to well so please stop the teasing” Emptying the bottle Bella threw into the bin “Ok, I’ll try to behave” Jean smiled warmly at her, why did she have the feeling ‘trying’ wouldn’t be on the girls agenda.

Valan and Katie sat on the sofa, Chris and his wife had gone to bed, Bella was in the den with Luke and Jean had retired to her room. “What do you think?” Katie asked. Valan shrugged “Too soon to say” Katie frowned “Do you think he’ll be alright?” Valan didn’t see why not “Sayan said he’d be fine” Katie nodded; their daughter must have seen it – still. “What about the other problem?” He wasn’t sure of that. “Do you think the reason the Doctor didn’t mention it is because he didn’t know, that someone else intercepted the results” Turning to his wife he kissed her forehead “Possibly” his hand slide down her back “Don’t worry about it just now” Katie moaned as her husband’s hand made its way under her top.

Luke stood in the bathroom and stared into the mirror. Finding there was two bedrooms in the den and that Bella had one he had asked if he could move into the other. His grandfather thought that an excellent idea and had agreed. At least there it was easier for Bella and himself to watch over him and harder for anyone else to get to him.

Now he was looking at himself except it wasn’t him. The same brown hair and features but his eyes, they were different almost animal like. “Hey Luke, are you alright?” Bella yelled from the other room.

Luke appeared and stood staring at her. “Bella…?” His Aunt looked at his eyes and smiled “Welcome to the family” Luke frowned. “Don’t worry about it kiddo, it’s part of the Awakening” Sitting him down she explained that all young Vampires eyes looked like that during the Thirst, that whenever they were hungry or feeding their eyes would change to that but as they got older they turned red. “Did yours?” Bella shook her head “Mine were red at birth” she shrugged. “Don’t know why, I am more Vampire than Human except I can walk in the day – not direct sunlight but if it’s cloudy or I’m indoors” she laughed “Kinda handy that I don’t need to sleep much otherwise poor Jean would be rattling around her on her own”

Part 2                                                               Part 4

Monday 15 August 2011

part 2

Chris knocked on the door, after so long away he felt uncomfortable just walking in. The door opened and they were greeted by an elderly woman. “Hello, you must be Chris” ushering them into the hall. “Your parents aren’t up yet but they are looking forward to seeing you” Jen thought his parents must be very frail, it was just after four in the afternoon and they were still in bed. Chris dropped the bags by the table and looked round. Turning to his family he introduced them. “Welcome, I’m Jean by the way, house keeper, cook and anything else that may be required” Chris shook her hand “Thank you” he wanted to ask about Mary but changed his mind, he’d ask Dad later.

Jean showed them to their rooms and telling them dinner was at seven left them to settle in. “What do you think?” Chris asked Jen. “Wow, this is some place” Chris nodded “It’s been in the family for centuries, at least I think it has dad never gave us much on the history of the place or his life before mum” Looking round he realised they were in his mums old room, decorated differently but the furniture was the same.

Jen lay on the bed and was soon asleep.

Just before seven he and Jen went for Luke. “Ok son?” he asked. Luke nodded. “Some place why’d you never tell us, I mean they must be loaded” Chris ruffled his hair and smiled, trust him to think of money but then that’s all he thought of these days, the latest Xbox game or new mobile – kids and their gadgets.

The three sat in the dining room and ate dinner with Jean with the woman answering most of the questions that were asked, the meal was delicious and to Jen’s delight Luke ate his with relish, when mentioned Jean muttered something about the air - her secret, the burgers was very, very rare.

Jen looked round the drawing room; the castle was huge but surprisingly homely. Luke grumbled about the lack of TV but his dad calmed him with news that there was one and he’d show it to him later. Chris’s nerves had steadily been building as the day wore on and now with it nearing eight he was a cat on a hot tin roof. With the door opening he leapt to his feet and swallowed hard. Jen watched the couple enter, the man about Chris’s height with jet black hair and piercing grey/blue eyes had to be no older than forty while the woman with brown hair and the most unusual coloured eyes was she guessed in her twenties.

“Mum, dad” Chris greeted them hesitantly. Jen looked at him, was he mad they couldn’t possibly his parents. “Christopher, good to see you after all this time” his father replied while his mother crossed the room and hugged him tight. “My goodness, you look good” she stammered trying to hold back the tears. “You mean old” Chris replied jokingly. He turned to his dad who watched him for a moment then crossing the room gripped him in a tight hold. “It’s been so long, so very long” Valan mumbled emotionally. Chris turned to his wife whose jaw was hanging loose in shock. “This is Jen, my wife and my son” he turned to the boy. “Luke” Valan and Katie greeted them warmly and took a seat. “So tell us, what have you been doing all this time”

Soon Chris relaxed, his parents weren’t cross, didn’t even mention his lack of contact in fact they seemed relieved to have him back. The room felt relaxed friendly as the conversation drifted from this and that. Chris wondered where Sayan was. “She’s out hunting at the moment, she should be back shortly” Valan told him looking at Jen unsure just how much she had been told. “Its ok dad, she knows” Chris told his father telepathically, Valan nodded. “Oh but you don’t know” Katie turned to Chris “You have another sister” “Another sister!” Chris looked from his mum to dad. Valan nodded. “Annabella and from the sounds of it she about to hit us” he chuckled.

Just then the door burst open and a pale blond whirlwind descended. “Well hello their Bro, about time you showed up” Chris stared at her then turned to his mother cocking an eyebrow. “I know, blond, she must have got that from my mother” Katie told him. Jen heard the note of distaste in the woman’s voice and wondered what had happened between them. Chris stood “Hello Annabella, it’s nice to meet you” Bella laughed “God, you sound as stuffy as that two” she nodded to their parents. “I hope there’s a bit of life in those old bones” “Bella!” Valan warned but was ignored. “As you can see, dad is way too uptight; I guess that’s what happens to you when you’re nearly seven hundred”

Jen stared at the woman, pale, so very pale like the rest of them, even Chris had little colour to his skin. The woman was stunning but what was with the sun glasses, at night and indoors? Bella shook hands with Jen and greeted Luke asking what games console he had, delighted to find he had an Xbox she quickly had the young lad in deep conversation about the best games. “Dad, do they know?” she asked silently, getting a nod. “Thank god for that” she exclaimed. “I was beginning to think I would have to wear these bloody things for your entire visit”

Removing her glasses she slipped them into her pocket. Jen gasped “Your eyes – there red!” Bella giggled “Yeah” Luke studied them then announced “That’s so cool, are they real?” Bella gave him a playful punch “As real as you and before you ask, yes I was born with them” Chris noticed Jen turn white, the reality was beginning to sink in. “Dad, I think we need to talk” he nodded towards his wife. Valan and Katie turned to Jen then back to Bella who agreed. “How’s about I kick your butt on Call of Duty” Luke leapt to his feet then looked at his father. “Go ahead” Luke followed his new found Aunt to the door. “Do you have a TV?” Bella nodded “Sure we do and wait till you see it, it’s fucking huge” “BELLA!” everyone in the room exclaimed on her language, except Jen - her mind was contemplating running.

“Shit, this is awesome” Luke exclaimed as he looked round the huge room. “Pretty neat isn’t it, dad had it sound proofed a few years back on account of the racket” Taking after her mother she had become skilled on the piano and violin at an early age but her love was guitars, electric ones. “What do you think of this?” Bella stood near the TV; Luke stared as he’d never seen one so big, a smile spread across his face “Bet I can whoop your ass”

Settling on the sofa control pad in hand Luke looked round then to his aunt who didn't seem much older than him - the decision already made that this visit was going to be a blast.

Part 1                                                                   Part 3

Monday 1 August 2011

Part 1

Chris watched as his son shot hoops. He had to face facts…..Luke was ill and he knew why. He was a good lad; kind thoughtful and studious, neither he nor Jen had any problems with him…..till now. Jen wanted to take him the Doctors, have them do tests. Impossible, if he was right and he was then the tests would reveal his secret, his family secret. Chris knew what it was, he had seen it before, had hoped with his new life he could escape the curse. He was wrong. Now he had to tell Jen, the love of his life - the reason for their son’s illness was because of him.

It took Chris a few days before he plucked up the courage to tell her, how do you start, how does one admit that their happy life was a sham. “Chris dear, whatever is the matter, you’ve been so quiet lately?” It was now or never “Jen, we need to talk” Chris sat “I know why Luke is ill” Jen looked at her husband “How, what is it?” He couldn’t look at her “He’s ill because of me” “Because of you, I don’t understand…?” He sighed “There are two types of blood in me, I was lucky…I wasn’t affected but Sister was”
“Sister, you told me you had no family!” He looked at her a weak smile crossing his face “As far as I was concerned I didn’t, I wanted to forget, pretend they never existed, and for a while I succeeded”

Jen watched as her husband aged in front of her, the fine lines on his face normally unnoticeable now seemed to be deep furrows. The strange thing was she didn’t want to demand, scream for him to tell her what was wrong with their son, no she was intrigued by his secrecy, well, maybe a little angry, what else was he hiding, was he the man she thought she had married “Why?”
“My parents are not your average Mother and Father, my childhood was not like yours oh I was happy as a kid, loved my Mum and Dad but as I got older, realised the curse we had to endure I became angry, at life, at them” Chris paused for a moment, having to reveal his past was not easy.

“As kids we had a great life. We rarely fought and were happy with our own company” Chris gave a weak laugh “I was the joker, always up to mischief and normally getting hurt, Sayan was different, quiet and serious she had a habit of appearing without warning, her movements so quiet that you only knew she was there when she spoke. The castle we lived in was our play ground; no room was out of bounds, except one”

“Our parents would come at night, spend time with us, play” He turned to Jen “Do you know what it’s like to have your parent’s attention like that, to be their all?” Jen shook her head, her parents worked hard and rarely had time for their children not that she was jealous it was just that, well, she and her siblings grew up fast. Chris continued. “It started with small things, not able to attend parents meetings, picnics, the Christmas play but as time wore on I resented them more and more. I loved them, still do, the nights we spent playing on the parapet will always make me smile”

Jen wanted to reach out, to hold him but something stopped her, a chill run down her spine. “What happened” Taking a seat he leaned back and closed his eyes, frowning at what he was to say next. “Sayan was affected hard, the nights of sleeplessness, nightmares, the desire for something unknown - like Luke” he leaned forward; his eyes met hers. “But my parents knew what it was, knew it was the start. The Awakening” Jen stared at her husband, the Awakening? “It can’t be common, I’ve never heard of it” Chris smiled, at least the corners of his mouth lifted but it seemed hollow. “You wouldn’t have heard of it, the Awakening isn't heard of in humans – it affects Vampires”

Ok, he’s cracked, the strain of their son’s illness has sent him over the edge but before she could speak Chris continued. “As kids we wanted for nothing, our parents were no fools but they sensed how hard it was for us. We looked like every other kid but deep down, inside here” he touched his chest. “Inside we were different, our blood a mix of our father who is a full Vampire and our mother who at the time was what you would call a half breed. We never went to Doctors, hospital, school was difficult but essential, our birth certificates and records are forged , if anyone got the slightest idea we were not as we seemed it could have been a disaster” Falling silent he remembered his early teens, him and Sayan in the den shooting pool or chilling out to music. Jen touched his arm “Chris dear, you can’t expect me to believe this”

He patted her hand “Sayan had always been affected by cravings or as my parents called it the Thirst, we accepted what they told us, accepted our life till the Awakening hit Sayan. She would suddenly become like a wild animal when the cravings hit but it’s her eyes, the change from her own to Younglings that I’ll never forget” he shuddered. Jen listened to him quietly as he explained although not knowing all of it he tried to reassure his wife that it would be ok, that Luke would be fine – he hoped. “Is that why you’ve never allowed Luke to see a doctor?” He nodded “If they took blood it would show up abnormal and…..” he dreaded to think what could happen.

Jen smiled “Well it can’t be that bad, I took Luke to the Doctor last week and he never mentioned anything was wrong with his blood” Chris leapt to his feet “You did what?” he paced the floor. “We need to get out of town, disappear for a while….” Jen touched his arm. “Darling there is nothing to fear, the doctor informed me his blood was normal” Chris groaned, normal his arse just looking at the boy during his ‘episodes’ told you something was up. Grabbing her shoulders he shook Jen gently “We need to go, pack now” “Where too?” Chris ran his hand through his hair. “Campbell Castle” he smiled sheepishly “It’s time you met the family”

Jen did as her husband asked. Packing the bare minimum she silently laughed at herself, here she was getting ready to go on holiday, to finally meet her inlaws – which she didn’t know she had – and the poor old dears were going to find their son cracked, this should be one hell of a trip. Luke took the news with a yell and air punch, he didn’t care where or way, he was getting out of school, who gave a shit about the reason.

Looking at the house one last time Chris felt his body tensing, twenty years is a hell of a long time, no letters or calls, Christ what would they say; he looked at Jen, a mortal about to have her nice little world blown to pieces.

                                                                              Part 2